Sunday July 25, 2021 at 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Check-In starts at 12:30 am.
Hosted by Brook-Falls Luxury Pet Resort
I’ll bet you’ve heard of Happy Hour, but have you ever heard of Hoppy Hour? It’s a bunny get-together! It’s a time when of rabbits can come together to play, run, frolic, socialize, and just have a grand ol’ time with each other. We know you’ve been waiting for this event, and we are going to bring it to you and your rabbit.
You don’t have to have a rabbit to come and enjoy this event. However, there are space limitations so advanced registration is required. The cost is $5 per bunny and $10 per human observer with or without a bunny. Registration will close at Midnight Friday, July 23. This is a WHRS fundraiser, and proceeds will go toward veterinary care for foster and sanctuary rabbits and for expanding our educational activities in the state.
Do you want to come to Hoppy Hour but don’t want to come alone? Consider sponsoring one of the shelter’s rabbits! Meet him at the event; root for him from the sidelines, and be there for him if he needs any “timeouts.” It’s a wonderful way to give exercise and socialization to a shelter bunny who would otherwise be sitting in his cage. And you get to be a special bunny foster parent for an hour. If you check the box in the registration form that says “Sponsoring a shelter rabbit,” you can meet up with your “date” at Hoppy Hour.
If bringing a bonded pair of rabbits, please keep in mind that some rabbits may react differently towards their mate after being around other rabbits.
Hoppy Hour rules are as follows:
- All rabbits must be sterilized.
- All rabbits must appear to be free of communicable disease.
- Children must stay seated at all times for safety reasons.
- For the safety of all rabbits, owners and their guests must remain at the edges of mats.
- Any rabbit scuffles will be interrupted by Bunny Bouncers, and the bunnies will get time outs. Owners are not to attempt to break up any rabbit interactions.
- Volunteers may excuse rabbits that are too aroused or aggressive to play nicely with others.
- All rabbits must be brought to the event in a carrier.
If you would like to volunteer to help set up the space before the event, check registrants in at the door, or help clean up after it is over, please let us know by writing to hoppy@wisconsinhrs.org. Thank you!